I want your opinion. Do you think I should make longer articles (a few pages) more often or shorter ones (a few paragraphs)? Also, do you have any recommendations or suggestions for future articles? Leave a comment telling me what you think! People who aren't registered for Blogspot can also leave a comment under the anonymous title.
I'm fine with either. Quantity doesn't necessarily dictate quality, and so far, you've done nothing but deliver quality.
I enjoy your posts immensely. Keep it up!
Thanks Patrick!
Longer posts are nice. But you can't fill the blog with them. You need a good balance.
I agree Mike! Perahaps frequent short posts and occasional long posts is what I should do. What do you think?
Posts should be as long as they need to be; where there's a choice, a litte from column A and a little from column B.
I think it depends on the subject matter. Some things can't be surmised in a couple of paragraphs.
I enjoy reading your articles. I just wonder if anyone from AIG has read your articles. It might be interesting to see how they try to defend their position.
I recently had an email exchange with Tim Wallace of true.origins website where I accuse him and other creationists of quoting out of context and provide several examples. He denies it of course and claims that his own misquote from Darwin's "Origin of Species" should be taken at face value only and means exactly what he says it means. He gets quite hostile and sarcastic with me, even though I furnished him with the entire quote including the part he conveniently left out. He's in complete denial, yet he claims his website is an "intellectually honest" response to evolutionism. Ha. Anyway, it might be interesting to post other examples of creationist quote mining as well. Both Jonathan Sarfati and John Woodmorappe are notorious for it. Thanks.
Yes, Jere Yost. Perhaps you could copy the links to his misquotes and provide some corrections. You can send them to me and I will publish them:
You will get credit of course. In the meantime, check out this. It isn't creationist misquotes, just dumb things creationists have said:
Go to this link, http://www.trueorigin.org/ then scroll down to the end of the opening article where you will see the link "advice of Darwin" which directs you to his quote. The entire quote should read...
"For I am well aware that scarcely a single point is discussed in this volume on which facts cannot be adduced, often apparently leading to conclusions directly opposite to those at which I have arrived. A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question; and this cannot possibly be here done."
Everything after the semicolon was omitted and the semicolon was replaced by a period.
The entire text of the introduction of Darwin's book can be seen here at...
...and anyone who reads it can tell that Darwin was saying something entirely different than what Wallace would have is readers believe.
If you are interested, I can send our entire email exchange, though it is kind of long, but interesting reading nonetheless.
Sure, if it's not too much trouble:
Personally, I would have to say more short articles, but perhaps with links to more detailed information in case the reader is really interested in the topic.
I only say this because of the sheer number of blogs that pop up in my google reader. It gets hard to keep up sometimes and a nice quick blog post that is short and to the point is pretty nice.
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