I know quite a few Christians on the internet who are not opposed to putting homosexuals to death. People who think this way aren't just run-of-the-mill idiots like Ray Comfort, but people I know on internet forums who are otherwise intelligent. They've simply accepted the Bible as the accurate word of God. And the result is dangerous bigotry. This is just one reason Christianity, in the long run, must perish for the well-being of our species.
AiGbusted is dedicated to exposing creationist hoaxes, especially the leading organization, Answers in Genesis.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Why Christianity Needs to Die
Apparently Rick Warren, the smiling imbecile pastor behind that awful book "The Purpose Driven Life" (BTW, Here's a much better book,The Reason Driven Life
by Dr. Robert M. Price) cannot bring himself to condemn a Uganda law that would put homosexuals in prison for life (and in some cases it would put them to death).
I know quite a few Christians on the internet who are not opposed to putting homosexuals to death. People who think this way aren't just run-of-the-mill idiots like Ray Comfort, but people I know on internet forums who are otherwise intelligent. They've simply accepted the Bible as the accurate word of God. And the result is dangerous bigotry. This is just one reason Christianity, in the long run, must perish for the well-being of our species.
I know quite a few Christians on the internet who are not opposed to putting homosexuals to death. People who think this way aren't just run-of-the-mill idiots like Ray Comfort, but people I know on internet forums who are otherwise intelligent. They've simply accepted the Bible as the accurate word of God. And the result is dangerous bigotry. This is just one reason Christianity, in the long run, must perish for the well-being of our species.
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If what you are saying is true, it most likely is due to the misinformation being promoted by the godless that says gays are unable to change.
The fact is that Christians have thousand and thousands of examples where gays have become ex-gays. We know that the power of God can change any life.
I wish the godless would stop preaching hopelessness and start preaching what we know to be true in reality. The gay lifestyle is harmful both to those living it as well as to humanity itself. They have high disease rates and high suicide rates among many other factors.
The fact is that God can change anyone and this is what needs to be preached so that all Christians will come to Biblical conclusions and seek to help those caught up in the homosexual lifestyle.
If Atheists were consistent in their methodological naturalism, they would also conclude that gays can change because everything in our experience is changing. However, Atheist are only consistent when it fits their preconceived ideas or morality which ironically are absolute.
"If what you are saying is true, it most likely is due to the misinformation being promoted by the godless that says gays are unable to change."
It's not being promoted by the godless. It's being promoted by rational people who have studied the evidence.
"The fact is that Christians have thousand and thousands of examples where gays have become ex-gays. We know that the power of God can change any life."
And how many of those who have 'changed' slip back into homosexuality?
"The gay lifestyle is harmful both to those living it as well as to humanity itself. They have high disease rates and high suicide rates among many other factors."
Male homosexuals have disease rates. Lesbians do not. Would you like to promote more lesbian sex then? And high suicide rates exist because idiots like you won't just leave gays the fuck alone and let them be.
"If Atheists were consistent in their methodological naturalism, they would also conclude that gays can change because everything in our experience is changing."
What in the bloody fuck does methodological naturalism have to do with this?
"However, Atheist are only consistent when it fits their preconceived ideas or morality which ironically are absolute."
BULL TO THE SHIT!! If homosexuality was harmful, and it could be changed, there would be no reason not to change it. In fact, it would be the moral thing to do if god existed. Unfortunately, it is not harmful or changable.
ZDENNY, I'm gonna let you respond to this comment, and after that all future comments that you leave will be deleted. You are such a fucking idiot who has no idea what you are talking about. And so I want you to fuck off. I don't wanna hear what you have to say.
I find that your original posting betrays your own bigotry. A Christian would not promote the murder of someone over their choice in life styles. I would personally challenge those that would.
I am assuming that you believe in evolution. Of which has a base tenant that says that anything that does not help a species advance or survive will be discarded.
If it is impossible to naturally get a man pregnant by another man, or a woman pregnant by another woman. Then it stands that homosexuality, sodomy, would have geneticly been weeded out by natural selection. Also the population of sodomist would gradually decline, though the basic number would stay the say in proportion to the declining numbers of course. You would not see the fluctuation that history shows... bad example, but kind of like when a new fad in clothing comes, then goes, and returns years later...
"**********!! If homosexuality was harmful, and it could be changed, there would be no reason not to change it. In fact, it would be the moral thing to do if god existed. Unfortunately, it is not harmful or changable."
You admitted as much yourself that it is harmful, in admiting the high number of diseases/ infections (do not those particular ones that are specific to sodmist). Suicide rates still continue to climb in a society that grows more and more tolerable, you can no longer blame the "intolerant christian", because as tolerance goes up, by your logic the suicide levels should drop.
Again you are wrong. Sodomy is a choice to exercise a desire, and there for if not for that reason alone, there is going to be objections to not changing. There is a God and as the BIble tells us, and as human history tells us, humanity is by our nature in constant rebellion against God.
Oh, you can not point to someone who stumbles back into a past sin, after accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. If we instantly become perfect after conversion we would not be here any more. A person who struggles with lust of the flesh, will have a powerful testimony as the Lord shows Himself stronger time and time again.
Your bigotry and hatred for God and His people is loud and clear. You will have no need to threaten to delete my postings, as the chances of me returning to your sight and your self imposed darkness is slim to none.
I pray that God will reveal His truth and light in your life... though somehow I think he may have already, which could explain your hostility...
Could you give a valid reason for Christianities death? Everyone remembers those who heralded the title Christian, while doing unChristian things. But everyone seems to forget all the good that God has brought to this world through those that truly represented the title Christian...
"A Christian would not promote the murder of someone over their choice in life styles."
They do all the time. Nuff said.
"A Christian would not promote the murder of someone over their choice in life styles."
They do all the time. Nuff said.
Without proof, this is opinion.
Don't forget that a Christian's actions are supposed to immolate the life of Christ and the teachings of the Bible. Failing to do so unintentionally does not make them unChristian, their actions yes/ them no. A perpetual life style would seem to show that their fruits are not inline with the fruits a Christian is to bear.
Again if there are "Christians" out there saying that someone who practices sodomy should be put to death. The most obvious thing that should be noted is the departation from Biblical teaching. Secondly if there are any around, a Christian will confront them on this and rebuke them.
Evidence please....
Seriously, the Crusades!! Christians have murdered all throughout the religion's existence, which isn't long by the way.
Being gay isn't a choice by the way! It's like if I told u to go sleep with the same sex, you'd feel disgusted! I feel disgusted doing it with a man! I'm just not attracted to men. Christian's are so close minded and blind that it's ridiculous.
Seriously, the Crusades!! Christians have murdered all throughout the religion's existence, which isn't long by the way.
First and fore most, you need to do a little in depth history lesson concerning the time period and the events surrounding the Crusades. From what I remember the crusades were an attempt for the “church” at the time to reclaim the Holy Land of Israel. The crusades were an attempt to establish God’s kingdom on earth. The problem with this is that God’s kingdom is not an earthly kingdom and will not be built by earthly means. While the people of the crusades believed they were doing God’s will there is nothing Biblical, especially after the time of Christ, that would warrant such activities. If actions contradict what the Bible says, they are not Christian plain and simple.
Being gay isn't a choice by the way! It's like if I told u to go sleep with the same sex, you'd feel disgusted! I feel disgusted doing it with a man! I'm just not attracted to men. Christian's are so close minded and blind that it's ridiculous.
You argue against basic science and logic, not just the Bible. While I will agree with the Bible before pop culture and cult science, it does not change the fact that I do not need to argue the point from a theological stand point…. Ironically if something is true it is a part of God’s truth, and if it contradicts what God’s word says its wrong. And honest science and simple logic will always support God’s word. Basic psychology will tell you that disgust is a conditioned response, which means it is a learned behavior. While we are born with the ability to develop the ability to express disgust, whether something actually disgusts you or not, is not something you were born innately disgusted by. You learned it.
I am not closed minded I am narrow minded. It is inherantly foolish to be closed minded. While narrow minded allows me to review and observe the facts concerning something, and then file it as false or truth. You should take the time ane look up Aristotle's laws of Analytics, particularly the law of non contradiction. You can not argue against it without prooving it is true.
Go to the site and read what a Christian declaration concerning the sodomist life style "sounds" like. And then judge between what that says and the what you accuse Christians of saying.
christianity is for people who are paranoid and afraid of the fact that death is the end of life they are scared to die because they want to live for ever. they are nothing but scared pathetic people who take out there paranoia on people who are ok with the way there life is. there pathetic people who deserve to die with there presious cross stuffed into there eye sockets and mutalated and burned for there "sins" or what ever the fuck they wanna think. all there doing is waisting there time with that shit.. everybody has the right to be who they wanna be as long as its not a crime against humanity itself. spending time is not a crime against humanity... but murdering someone who is inocent is a crime against humanity. they are lucky they get to say that shit freely.
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